Great app very useful and it will explain to us the basis for us and the brothers know the almighty creator ...
Many science and benefits of younger siblings to recognize GOD is more closely and abide by the orders ...
Asmaul Husna means beautiful names of God as mentioned in the Qur'an, each of which has the meaning of the definition / understanding of the good, noble and beautiful.
Allah says in Surah Al-Araf verse 180:
"Only God's Asmaa-ul Husna, then bermohonlah Him by calling Asmaa-ul Husna, and leave those who deviate from the truth in the (call) names him. Later they will reap the rewards of what they do "
The contents of the application Fadhilah Beautiful Names & Meaning as follows:
* Beautiful Names mean the most beautiful names of God as mentioned in the Qur'an, which each
has the meaning of the definition / understanding of the good, noble and beautiful.
* The application comes with meaning, significance and fadillah of the Divine Name.
* Beautiful Names is an educational application for anyone.
* This application is equipped with a supporting narrative that is very helpful to those who have read fluently.
* Remembrance Divine Name with music mp3.
* Applications can be stored in external memory.
* There are also MP3 Asmaul Husna 99 names of Allah that is to be understood ...
Also the daily zikr amalkan Beautiful Names to us so that we are all in kerahmatan ALLAH..INSYAALLAH.
Application Asmaul Husna Religion Religion contain song Beautiful Names Mp3 songs where you can listen to a collection of Full Songs Islami Beautiful Names. Here is our present set of Religious Songs Download Latest Beautiful Names that become an essential reference for all of you.
Going forward, we will constantly update the content. We wish all the friends always install the application so that we always have the support of all of them in developing this application. Hopefully Helpful for everything and congratulations use applications Beautiful Names & Meaning Fadhilah latest from your Android device, respectively.
Asthma is an arabic word roomates means "Names", while "Husna" stands for "Beautiful" so "Asmaul Husna" stands for Beautiful Names of Allah. As given in the Quran:
"The most beautiful names belong to Him (Allah)." (Surah Al-Hashr, verse 24).
The Asma ul Husna awakens in Servants respect toward God, connoting God's Sublimity and transcendence. Reviews These names, when used in dhikr - remembering God - and in Supplication, lead to the acceptance of prayers and result in the accumulation of good deeds.
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